Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'll still be there, the question is will you ?

So when I was reading through my old posts I see how I say I am your friend and will always be there for you.  Well that's true for me but what happened to you? After we went to that dance the only thing you have said to me in 4 weeks is "Hey do you have a pencil?" and maybe you have said hi once or twice but it's not like it was before. We aren't even friends anymore, and that is what breaks my heart. Not how much of  a jerk you were at the dance or even after, but it's the fact that you don't even talk to me anymore, it's the fact that we're not friends anymore. I don't know why you won't talk to me, even if you are right next to me talking to my bestfriend you ignore me. In another old post i read it said I probably wouldn't  be getting ovre you anytime soon, well guess what that time came sooner that I thought it would, and I am so glad, becuase now that I am I have more time to focus on me and my friends who mean more to me than the world. And now I'm not entirely deleting you from my life cause let's admit it, i wish we were still friends, but also we have some good memories that I don't want to lose. So if you decide you ever wanna tell me what I did wrong and you want to talk to me again, I'll still be there, the question is will you?